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Krajowa Grupa Doradztwa Majątkowego Sp. z o.o.
ul. Modlińska 61
03-199 Warszawa
tel. + 48 22 431 28 60
kom. + 48 667 704 169
email: biuro@kgdm.pl

Our Services

KGDMKrajowa Grupa Doradztwa Maj?tkowego has been set up to meet market needs for a comprehensive valuation services of the assets of large enterprises, which comprise property, movable means of production, shares in other companies and other assets, often situated in various locations. We also provide complex assets valuation tailored to meet individual clients needs.

Our Company offers services in the areas of:
  • Valuation of land, premises and residential dwellings for individual clients and institutions,
  • Valuation of residential, retail, industrial real estate and offices for the purpose of securing bank loans,
  • Valuation of property for the purposes of insurance, leasing and debt collection,
  • Valuation in accordance with Polish and International Valuation Standards – as well as compliant with RICS terms and conditions (both in Polish and English languages),
  • Valuation of enterprises,
  • Valuation of shares in the companies,
  • Valuation of assets of the companies for the financial statements’ purposes in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and International Valuation Standards,
  • Determining the Fair Value,
  • Determining the Initial Value of fixed assets and intangible assets for free of charge use or in kind use,
  • Determining the value of real estate understood as fixed assets under construction, including the valuation of unfinished construction work and carrying inventory and quantity survey of finished work,
  • Periodic determination of the real estate value for investment purposes.

Krajowa Grupa Doradztwa Maj?tkowego brings together high-end property professionals in the field of real estate, machinery and equipment valuation as well as valuation of companies from all over Poland. With the diverse expertise of our colleagues we meet the needs and expectations of the market and we are able to provide a comprehensive valuation services for the small and large businesses - in accordance with International Valuation Standards - in the whole country.

Our ambition is to maintain the reputation of service excellence.

Therefore, we are committed to continuously upgrading customer service quality, as our Associates and cooperating chartered property appraisers are constantly improving their skills and exchanging their experiences during seminars organized by our Company. Additionally, we are constantly expanding our national-scale transaction database, so that we can perform tasks delegated to us better and in a more efficient manner.

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